Panty Fetish Phone Sex
Panties are a special garment for many. Men adore seeing them on women, all sorts of different colors and designs, they get a man hard like nothing else. So many men though are also wearing women’s panties in secret. I hear from phone sex callers every single day that they wear them when they masturbate, they wear them under their clothes to work, some feel more comfortable in panties than men’s underwear. One of my callers calls himself, “The Panty Princess.” He has a love affair with panties that stretches back over most of his life.
He said his mother wanted a girl, and when she had the grand disappointment of having a son, she decided to dress him as a girl anyways, and so he’s used to being in panties. Recently he decided to try men’s underwear and it wasn’t a good experience for him at all. He said he even felt he walked funny while wearing them, so they didn’t last long. He’s not gay, but says he’s a 40+ virgin, most women think he is gay, he’s a hardcore sissy and people treat him as such. I don’t see much a future for him other than what he has now, wearing panties alone.
Other callers love women’s panties to masturbate with, they don’t want to wear them themselves, they just like knowing someone’s pussy was against them and they rub their cock on them and shoot their load into the crotch of them. Many panties in this category fall into the stolen category, since many will take panties from the homes of women they know and masturbate with them later in secret. They sometimes worry the stolen panties will be found missing and them questioned about them, but not enough that stop taking them! Everyone from their mother in law to their roommates panties is a possible target for their masturbation needs.